Unfortunately, there are a couple of issues with doing this. The first is that the permissions disappear with a drop and create. If you are using the built-in groups (db_datareader/db_datawriter) or have granted permissions on the entire schema, this may not be a problem. However, if you have permissions as granular as the synonym, these permissions will have to be recreated.
The second issue is that the dependencies are lost. So, no longer is there knowledge within SQL Server that a procedure, view, or function relies on these synonyms.
This script below will not address the second issue. However, it will address the first – and provide a quick way of changing the database of a synonym. This script will build and execute the DROP, CREATE, and re-apply the permissions to the synonyms after switching them to a different database. The full object location could be changed with this script – just modify the REPLACE function.
DECLARE @DropSynonym NVARCHAR(4000), @CreateSynonym NVARCHAR(4000), @Permissions NVARCHAR(4000) SELECT @DropSynonym = '', @CreateSynonym = '', @Permissions = '' SELECT @DropSynonym = @DropSynonym + 'DROP SYNONYM ' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(SCHEMA_ID)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(NAME) + '; ', @CreateSynonym = @CreateSynonym + 'CREATE SYNONYM ' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(SCHEMA_ID)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(NAME) + ' FOR ' + REPLACE(base_object_name, '[OldDB]', '[NewDB]') + '; ' FROM sys.synonyms ; WITH PermQuery AS (SELECT CASE WHEN perm.state <> 'W' THEN perm.state_desc ELSE 'GRANT' END COLLATE database_default AS PermissionState, perm.permission_name COLLATE database_default AS Permission, SCHEMA_NAME(obj.schema_id) AS SchemaName, obj.name AS ObjectName, CASE WHEN cl.column_id IS NULL THEN SPACE(0) ELSE '(' + QUOTENAME(cl.name) + ')' END AS ColumnName, CASE WHEN perm.state <> 'W' THEN 'N' ELSE 'Y' END AS WithOption, usr.name AS UserName FROM sys.synonyms AS s INNER JOIN sys.all_objects AS obj ON s.object_id = obj.object_id INNER JOIN sys.database_permissions AS perm ON perm.major_id = obj.[object_id] INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS usr ON perm.grantee_principal_id = usr.principal_id LEFT JOIN sys.columns AS cl ON cl.column_id = perm.minor_id AND cl.[object_id] = perm.major_id) SELECT @Permissions = @Permissions + PermissionState + ' ' + Permission + ' ON ' + QUOTENAME(SchemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(ObjectName) + ' ' + ColumnName + ' TO ' + UserName + CASE WithOption WHEN 'Y' THEN ' WITH GRANT OPTION' ELSE '' END + '; ' FROM PermQuery PRINT @DropSynonym EXEC(@DropSynonym) PRINT @CreateSynonym EXEC(@CreateSynonym) PRINT @Permissions EXEC (@Permissions)
You should change string length from 4000 to MAX
@Oleksandr Dubelewskyj
Why would you want to do that?
Good job. Save my time.
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